Hello, I’m PunkWasp, though you can call me Wasp! I’m an artist, programmer, VTuber/PNGTuber, and general creative. My current pronouns are he/they/xe/it. You can find some of my social links in the footer.
This website exists so that I can have one main space to put all my stuff: my art, my writing, you name it.
Feel free to contact me if you’d like to chat (do not send me coding/webmastery questions, I will not respond).
Design goals for this website
- Must be accessible (screenreader friendly) and mobile-friendly first and foremost
- If working on this starts to stress me out, I’ll take a step back from the site - this is meant to be fun for me, not overwhelming
- The above means I’m going to try to keep this site’s layout and structure generally quite simple